- 01/11/2023

Before entering the Amazon market, what brands need to be noticed?


1. Product List

  • Amazon allows sellers to post more than 30 categories. For certain categories, merchants registering for a professional account (Professional) will be required to provide some important documents for approval, to ensure the safety of customers when using the product. Deeper understanding about product list, click here:
  • Before you start building a store, research your business plan to help make choices quickly and efficiently. There are several ways sellers decide what products to sell or build. Here are some common decisions to make when trying to start your ecommerce business:
  • Find a pain point or challenge worth solving
  • Be observant to find great product ideas
  • Questions to ask yourself when looking for product ideas
  • Use keyword research tools to spot trends and opportunities

2. Validating your product idea

  • The more time you put into validating the product, the better your chances of succeeding. Once you’ve pinpointed your business idea, research how similar products perform and what potential customers might be looking for.
  • Talk to potential customers to validate your idea
  • One of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to figure out whether your idea is worth pursuing is to talk to people. Once you’ve identified a problem worth solving, talk to people who feel the pain point or frustration the most.
  • Reach out to a small group of people to understand if they face the problem you’re trying to solve, and find out how they currently deal with this challenge.
  • Offer to buy 5-10 people a cup of coffee in exchange for 30 minutes of their time. Use your meeting to talk about the challenge and see if the pain point is something they would pay money to solve, or if it doesn’t bother them much. Avoid bringing up the product you have in mind, as this may influence the answers you get. Instead, focus on how they feel about the challenge, how they currently deal with it, and whether they would pay to solve the problem. If so, how much would they be willing to pay? Asking these questions can help you figure out if there might be an audience for the product.

3. Identify the seller profile

  • The manufacturer owns the factory or a manufacturing process and creates its own branded product
  • Brand owners order their own branded products to provide unique choices to customers
  • Resellers find popular products already on the market and list them for sale on Amazon, without necessarily being the manufacturer or brand owner.
  • Sellers can choose whichever form is the best choice for their sales business goals. If you’re planning to sell your own branded products on Amazon, we offer a variety of resources and tools to make your business easier.

More guidance here

4. Seller account chosen

  • There are two forms of account registration, also known as sales packages on Amazon, for you to choose from:
  • A Personal Selling Account will charge $0.99 for each product sold.
  • Professional Sales Account for a flat fee of $39.99 per month, regardless of the number of items sold.
  • The professional sales package offers more benefits than the regular package. However, some additional charges may apply depending on the product type and shipping method.